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9 (
); 198-200

Egg tarts and some crystal gazing!

Department of Orthodontics, European University Dental College, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai, UAE.
Author image

*Corresponding author: Nikhilesh Vaid, Editor in Chief, APOS Trends in Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics, European University Dental College, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai, UAE.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Vaid N. Egg tarts and some crystal gazing! APOS Trends Orthod 2019;9(4):198-200.

APOS Trends will see its 10th volume published next year. It’s been a defining decade for the organization (APOS), the journal (APOS Trends) and the specialty! The journal was the brainchild of Dr. Loh Kai Woh – APOS President (2010–2012). In February 2010, the 7th IOC and APOC were jointly held in Sydney, Australia. I attended the event and on my way back home, made a quick stopover in Singapore. Dr. Loh invited me over to lunch and treated me to some of the best “egg tarts” I’ve ever had. The lunch discussion focused on his vision for the APOS and the idea to start a newsletter and a journal. He asked me to spearhead the project and before we knew –“APOS Trends” was a reality!

The website housed both the journal and the website. Those were humble beginnings! The society was just about organizing itself and its finances, and there was no way the website or the journal could be funded. Hence, it was my responsibility as the Editor in Chief (EIC) to not only source the science for the project but also the finances! Today, APOS is a robust and very relevant regional organization with 20 affiliate national associations and more than 20,000 fellows in its fold. The APOS sponsors a conference (APOC), a resident’s forum, a research foundation, and has its own website

The first two volumes of the journal (2011–2012) were published without a publishing house. Wolters Kluwer very efficiently partnered with APOS Trends from 2013 to 2018. In 2019, the Editorial Board deemed it necessary to change publishers, and Scientific Scholar was on board. As of today, 44 issues have been published since the inception of the journal. Global experts have contributed to the journal in various capacities, and a substantial number of published papers have been cited. A lot of our invited articles titled “Expert’s Corners” are used as important teaching references by a lot of graduate orthodontic programs in the region. APOS Trends Awards have been awarded at the 10th (Bali-2016) and 11th (Boracay-2018) APOC’s for the best papers published in the journal. These awards will have their third edition at the 12th APOC next year and are an important initiative to inspire and reward excellence in published literature! [Tables 1-3] The award-winning authors have been invited to present their papers at the APOC’s in the past, and this is a trend that will continue into the future!

Table 1: APOS Trends Awards 2015.
Jyothindra Kumar APOS Trends award for the best Original Research Article (2013–2014)
Evaluation of apical root resorption in orthodontic patients with maxillary anterior intrusion using utility arches and mini screws: A comparative study.
Muraleedhara Bhat, Vivek Suku Ninan, Sanju Somaiah, Vijayanand Madhur. APOS Trends Orthod 2014;4:3-8.
Hendro Kusnoto APOS Trends award for the second best Original Research Article (2013–2014)
Hyoid bone position and head posture comparison in skeletal Class I and II subjects: A retrospective cephalometric study. - Pawankumar Dnyandeo Tekale, Ketan K. Vakil, Sunilkumar Laxman Nagmode, Jeegar K. Vakil. APOS Trends Orthod 2014;4:53-9. Fu Minkui APOS trends award for the best Clinical Article (2013–2014)
Orthodontic camouflage through via total arch movement in a Class II with idiopathic condylar resorption.
Ji-Sung Jang, Byeong Tak Keum, Hui-Joo Seo, Kee-Joon Lee. APOS Trends Orthod 2014;4:185-90.
Renato Africa APOS Trends award for the second Best Clinical Article (2013–2014)
Twenty-year post-treatment assessment of Class II division 1 malocclusion treated with non-extraction approach.
Ashok Karad, Vishal Dhanjani, Vijay Bagul. APOS Trends Orthod 2013;3:31-41.
Loh Soo Ann APOS Trends award for the best Clinical Pearl/Innovation Article Not awarded APOS Trends Editor’s Choice awards for the Best Reviewers Dr. Letizia Perillio (Italy)
Dr. Gowri Shankar (India)
Table 2: APOS Trends Awards 2017
Jyothindra Kumar APOS Trends award for the best Original Research Article (2015–2016)
Evaluating condylar head morphology as it relates to the skeletal vertical facial dimension: A three-dimensional semi-automated landmark study Curtis Contro, Arthur J Miller, David Hatcher, Snehlata Oberoi. APOS Trends Orthod 2016;6:238-45.
Hendro Kusnoto APOS Trends award for the second best Original Research Article (2015–2016) Shared Plaque accumulation and Streptococcus mutans levels around self-ligating bracket clips and elastomeric modules: A randomized controlled trial Dhaval Fadia, Meghna Vandekar, Nikhilesh Vaid, Viraj Doshi. APOS Trends Orthod 2015;5:97-102.
Root resorption following periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics Ferguson Donald J., Irelia Machado, M. Thomas Wilcko, William M. Wilcko APOS Trends Orthod 2016;6:78-84.
Fu Minkui APOS Trends award for the Best Clinical Article (2015–2016)
Orthodontic management of a periodontally compromised dentition Zaveri Prashant. APOS Trends Orthod 2016;6:31-8.
Renato Africa APOS Trends award for the second best clinical article (2015–2016)
Orthosurgical management of an asymmetric case with Class III malocclusion and transversal problem in the maxilla Juan Carlos Perez Varela, Beatriz Iglesias Sanchez. APOS Trends Orthod 2016;6:160-5. *Loh Soo Ann APOS Trends award for the Best Clinical Pearl/Innovation article Not awarded this year. However, a Certificate of Merit in this category was awarded to… Three-dimensional canine loop for the management of buccally erupted canines Praveen Mehrotra, Jitendra Bhagchandani, Sonahita Agarwal, Anchit Thukral. APOS Trends Orthod 2015;5:229-31.
APOS Trends Editor’s Choice awards for the Best Reviewers Mark Wertheimer (South Africa)
Jayesh Rahalkar (India)
Laith Makki (UAE)
Table 3: APOS Trends Awards 2019.
Jyothindra Kumar APOS trends award for the best Original Research Article (2017–2018)
Skeletal, Dentoalveolar, and Periodontal Changes of Skeletally Matured Patients with Maxillary Deficiency Treated with Microimplant-assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion Appliances: A Pilot Study Peter Ngan, Uyen Kelly Nguyen, Tung Nguyen, Timothy Tremont, Chris Martin APOS Trends Orthod 2018;8:71-85.
Hendro Kusnoto APOS Trends award for the second best Original Research Article (2017–2018)
Role of articular disc in cartilaginous growth of the mandible in rats Fang Xiao, Hidetaka Hayashi, Tadashi Fujita, Maya Shirakura, Yuji Tsuka, Eri Fujii, Kazuo Tanne, Kotaro Tanimoto. APOS Trends Orthod 2017;7:29-34.
Fu Minkui APOS Trends award for the best Clinical Article (2017–2018)
Interdisciplinary Management of an Orthodontic Patient with Temporomandibular Disorder Tsang Tsang Franklin She, Anita-Tak Ying Wong. APOS Trends Orthod 2017;7:230-41.
Renato Africa APOS Trends award for the second best Clinical Article (2017–2018)
Biomechanics of Extra-alveolar Mini-implant Use in the Infrazygomatic Crest Area for Asymmetrical Correction of Class II Subdivision Malocclusion Marcio Rodrigues De Almeida, Renato Rodrigues De Almeida, Ravindra Nanda. APOS Trends Orthod 2018;8:110-8.
Loh Soo Ann APOS Trends award for the best Clinical Pearl Article/Innovation Article (2017–2018)
Modified Precision Lingual Bonding Technique: A Step-wise Approach with Torque Angulation Device-bracket Positioning Device Rosaline Tina Paul, A. R. Ligil, V. T. Vineeth, P. P. Biswas. APOS Trends Orthod 2017;7:199-203.
APOS Trends Editor’s Choice awards for the Best Reviewers
Letizia Perilio (Italy)
Sridevi Padmanabhan (India)

The journal will step into its second decade in 2020. In 2018, I did announce to the APOS functionaries, my desire to retire as the APOS EIC after the 12th APOC in Yokohama, 2020. The search committee for my successor chose Dr. Eric Liou, from the Taiwan Association of Orthodontists to be the next EIC of the journal. Dr. Liou is a name that needs no introduction to anyone in orthodontics. He is an orthodontic giant who will assume charge as the new EIC of “APOS Trends in Orthodontics” from October 2020. I’m sure he and his team will be the satellites that will propel this important arm of APOS into the next orbit!

If I were to ask myself nearly a decade after I tasted that delicious egg tart in Singapore, “Did we make a contribution to orthodontic literature and education in the region?” I would probably think of it is “as only a beginning, with a long way to go”. This journey has seen me grow as a professional with the journal, and I cannot thank APOS enough, for the opportunity that has molded me in more ways than I can imagine or express! As we ruminate into the future, what does the crystal ball foretell for the journal, the society, and the profession?

This decade has seen orthodontics embrace the fruition of technology in ways that were perceived only as theoretical possibilities until the early part of the 21st century.[1] APOS Trends has had a very keen interest in featuring papers that evaluate the impact of these technologies on clinical care from a holistic perspective.[2] We request colleagues around the world to contribute technological breakthroughs impacting orthodontic care to APOS Trends. The various fields that would interest us would be (1) three-dimensional (3D) printing, 3D-assisted diagnosis, and treatment planning; (2) biomaterials, nanotechnology, and biomimetics. (3) patient education, practice management, and postgraduate orthodontic education; (4) E-health and tele-orthodontics; and (5) marketing and social media utility.[1] The current pace of technological change is indeed breathtaking! Ben Uglow, Morgan Stanley’s head of research for the Capital Goods Industry says,[3] “This is not a vague concept that may happen one day in a hypothetical world. It is very much here and now, as real dollars are being committed, with tangible benefits in efficiency and productivity.”

From a health care in general, and orthodontics in particular perspective, it’s imperative that outcomes of these infusions in orthodontics where “dollars are being committed” engage a wide range of stake holders (such as, patients, parents/ caregivers, clinicians, allied health professionals, and researchers) so that clinically relevant outcomes that meet the needs of all the stakeholders are identified and published.[4,5] It’s imperative that this is done, rather than just choosing outcomes that only meet the needs of the researcher or the clinician. My favorite brand of hotels in India is a hotel chain that belongs to the Marriott Bonvoy Luxury Collection. It uses a tag line “Responsible Luxury” as a part of its core philosophy. They make every effort to be carbon neutral and environmentally conscious. This not only defines who they are but also impacts their business by appealing to the “feel good” factor in this era of “#hash tag influenced decision making.” The next decade of orthodontics and its peer-reviewed literature will in all probability focus beyond the “eureka” moments of what have been the breakthroughs of this decade, with information that is holistically derived and critically analyzed! When the Editor of APOS Trends writes his/her editorial in December 2029… will we still read paragraphs on computer screens or interact with interfaces that we haven’t yet seen or imagined? Que sera sera!

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There are no conflicts of interest.


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  2. . Up in the air: Orthodontic technology unplugged! APOS Trends Orthod. 2017;7:1-5.
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